Friday, May 28, 2010

cyndi is good enough!

This is my contribution to the Goonies Show at Lunar Boy Gallery in Astoria, OR! You have to be preeeeeeetttty hard core nerdy about Goonies stuff to appreciate the following:

...or you just have to watch this and THEN appreciate it afterwards.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Some character studies for incidental characters in my book. They are meant to be intelligent, learn-ed, men of science from the 1830's. Typically, dudes like this would have had outrageous hair-do's and jackets adorned with medals of a mysterious nature.

I haven't done any character designs in a looooooong time...perhaps that's obvious, but I liked how they turned out!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

city park swarovski short!

Long time no post, faithful blog followers! I can only give you excuses about how I'm really busy working on my book and stationary set, but excuses are not as interesting as stuff to look at. So here's a stuff to look at!

This is a short I worked on for Swarovski crystals. I did the backgrounds and character designs. The rest of the credit goes like this:

Directed by Courtland Lomax
Music by Brian Young
Compositing by Ethan Metzger
Backgrounds and Character Designs by Brigette Barrager

Jennifer Hager
Jules Soto
Destiny Wood
Matt Pugnetti
Philip Vose
Courtland Lomax

Esther Shin
Matt Pugnetti
Daron Nefcy
Destiny Wood

Congrats, everybody! It looks great! Now I must return to hunching over my wacom and drawing princesses.