My Hansel and Gretel takes place in the late 60's. Hansel, a cynical sulky 11-year old, despises his little sister, who acts like a cute baby even though she's like, 8. So they're both obnoxious in their own special ways, but they only act like brats in hopes of winning their dad's attentions (he's not around too much). And then...enter the evil stepmother! The plot thickens!
More later..
Brigette, these are sooo great! I like them all!!! the little smiles you gave the Gretel's are cute!
Wow! Great stuff. I really like Hansel and the Right-most Pose of Gretel.
Awesome stuff!
Holy heck these designs are cool! That Gretel on the far right is the coyest drawing I've ever seen--it's supa' coy!
I REALLY like these Brigette. Nice work!
I recently stumbled upon your and Lorelay's blogs- fantastic work you gals are doin up there. Give me a holler if you ever wanna hit up figure drawing or something.
That girl is precious! And you know how much i dislike children but she's a cute one with nice fashion style.
Hot damn!!! Super nice stuff. Awesome designs and great appealing style. I love it all, super inspiring!!!
I love the final pose of Gretel.. so cute!
so cute
That little girl is so adorable... her style, her posings... I want one like that!
they are so cute! i love all your characters :)
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