Friday, October 03, 2008

New Painting Time!

That little drawing down there got upgraded to full blown painting.

Basically, I liked the color scheme from my business card so much that I thought I should exhaust it completely. So here she is! Miss Sleepy-pigeon-head-teapot-floating-among-the-flowers-dreamy girl. Digital. She's over my my little etsy store widget, too (to the right...see it? yeah)!

UPDATE: I finished off Mr. Fox last night.

I don't know anything about music, so the notes (which to me are just a bunch of d's and b's floating around) are random. I apologize to all the musicians out there.

It is SOOOOOOO nice outside today! Earlier this week it was 98-degrees outside, which is a disgusting temperature for what is now, officially, fall. But today it really FEELS like autumn, finally: it's drizzly and overcast and I may just need a sweater when I go out! Heavens! It's about time.


Becky said...

I just love this - It's beautiful! I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

fantastic new work!

Edward Juan said...

I like the fox's smiley face. gette. you are my motivation to update my blog. I will post something soon, after I finish the portland marathon tomorrow. FUCK.

brigette b said...

Ed's "to do" list:

-run a marathon
-update blog
-kiss all the boys
-go to LA to hang out with Sean and Brigette!

Oh Ed. I miss you so. I even miss your spontaneous, unprovoked exclamations of curse words. Come visit us!

Kim Caro said...

wow you are amazing :)

Anonymous said...

your work is just lovely. I love your blog, especially the sketches. I love sketches.

kevin said...

these new paintings turned out great!

Brittney Lee said...

Love, love, love the teapot girl! Yay for girls in coats.

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

These are lovely.

Cut Copy Create said...
