I know that when you hear "L.A. river" a bunch of clever, mostly negative quips come to mind, like "what river?" and "why isn't there any water it it?" and "oh that big cement thing?" and "that's not a river it's a jumbo sized storm drain!" etc. etc. and on into infinity. But I've actually hung around the LA river before, and yeah there's water in it, fish even, lots of birds, lots of bugs, some garbage, trees, reeds, and sometimes a rogue shopping cart. It doesn't smell very good and I wouldn't swim in it, EVER, but it's there and it's actually a pretty nice place to hang out in certain spots. Like all things in Los Angeles you have to seek it out and know exactly where to go and when. To me it's just another one of those magical secrets hidden away in the city...

AND, this is the last time I'm going to shamelessly advertise my show this weekend (Sunday) at Pehrspace. I'm going to be there all evening, from 6-11pm, eating Newman-O's and generally schmoozing, so if you're in LA you should stop by. There will be lots of paintings for sale, including this one! Next post will probably be photos of the show, so if you are inhabiting remote lands, don't fret! You'll still get a peak.
Kudos to all the folks whose films I saw at the CalArts Producer's Show last night, by the way! Good show, everybody.
Hey Brigette-
I really would have liked to come to your show, but I have a mother's day engagement. Oh, mothers!
Anyways, please let us blog followers know how it goes, k? Good luck!
That painting is fantastic, hope your show went wonderfully!!
really beautiful; i wish i could see your show!
yes! She's holding an abandoned walmart cart. or vons cart.
I'm amazed at how flawlessly you went from hair to foliage! A beautiful image, very creative!
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