Very bad with posting lately...because our big review is tomorrow. So instead of posting an image I'm going to tell you a story. I like to call this story, "The Last Time I was Awesome."
I was at Pixar during the summer. Kevin Dart was there too. One day he asked me to go over his character designs for him, and I was like "Shucks!" because asking for help from your peer means that you think they're really worth their salt, it's a compliment. So I took his drawings and drew over them on a light table. It was a sassy lady character, and all I said was something like "I like how her lower legs are long, you should keep her feet small like that, and pointy...but from the side too" (it was a turn around) "and they feel a little sausage-y right here, so go like the line just runs down the side of her body...I like her big butt. Her hair doesn't really turn...maybe if you did this?? Or like this kinda? This nose looks a little funky from this angle. You could go like this? Or like this?" Etcetera. It's not that exciting in words, actually, maybe I shouldn't have bothered to write all that but it's too late now. So he was all like "Thanks!!" and I was like "No problem! I love doing that schtuff! My pleasure!" And no sooner is all said and done when Dan Holland walks into the room, and he's like "HEY DOES ANYBODY NEED HELP WITH ANYTHING?" And everyone was kinda quiet, cause we were all doing our thing or what have you, and then Kevin is all " could go over this character design for me if you want." So Dan sits down to a light table and goes over it and he basically says "I like how her lower legs are long, you should keep her feet small like that, and pointy...but from the side too...and they feel a little sausage-y right here, so go like the line just runs down the side of her body...I like her big butt. Her hair doesn't really turn...maybe if you did this?? Or like this kinda? This nose looks a little funky from this angle. You could go like this? Or like this?" And Kevin was like "Thanks!" And Dan was like "no problem!" And after Dan left I was like "did you see that?? That guy destroys me with his drawing skill and we just gave you the SAME ADVICE! That guy works at Pixar and we just gave you the same exact critique! Only I did it FIRST!! Oh my god!"
And I felt AWESOME.
That was the last time I felt legitimately awesome. Right now...not so awesome. For some reason I arrived at the same snag at both Pixar and Disney, and at the eve of my final review I'm really realizing what a yucky, stupid, harmful snag that is. It feels gross, and so I'm reveling in my past awesomeness.
Also, if you're reading this and you were in the above story and you feel as though you've been at all misrepresented, sorry. But it's my memory, and memory's an imperfect thing, ya know?
And here's a doodle of Scully from X-files, which I'm watching after not watching since like HIGH SCHOOL! One billion years ago! She's super tiny and petit, but 90's fashion logic calls for a suit which consumes about 80% of her body, making her look like a large torso with even larger shoulders, with little teeny legs poking out the bottom.

I'm going to go watch X-files and feel sorry for myself. BYE!
Totally jealous that you got to both those places!
Good luck with your review!
You're STILL awesome, Brigette! Just keep drawing.
of course i think you're worth your salt! if it makes you feel even more awesome, i thought you did a better job drawing over my drawings than dan.
This sketch of Scully is pretty much proof of your Awesomeness--past, present, and future. I knew it was scully years before I read your caption. Viva la Brigette!
I once critiqued someone's drawing just before Dan gave the same critique. Then I woke up.
Hey, so I told you that, like, if I ever get my own TV show, you're designing the characters, right? Did that make you feel awesome? Even a little?
Hirsch appreciates you!
Your Scully is a dead ringer. The fact that you caricatured the absurd giant-shoulder-pads-90's suit is hysterical! Brigette Barrager, for the win!
Alex, you know I always eat up your ego-boosting. It's just that there's a difference between feeling awesome all on your own, of your own doing, and having someone tell you that you are.
Anyway, lets play scrabble again soon! I'll make cupcakes.
i love the word power suit. I am totally going to call that the next time I see a lady wearing shoulder pads.
X-Files RULES! And so does your Scully.
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