This is the front, with all my contact info on it! I omitted my last name because it is: impossible to pronounce (butchered daily, always and forever, with an inexplicable 'n' thrown in where there is none), not at all memorable, and also unspellable. Even if you can say it and remember it right, you won't be able to spell it. Doubt it? Go ahead!! Give yourself the Barrager quiz! It ends in disaster every time.

This is the back. I took a workshop through CalArts Alumni Services from a very wise and witty and with-it lady who proposed this astonishing idea: if you are an artist, and you are in the business of making images, and you are handing out a double-sided piece of paper with all your information on it, should you not make it look awesome so that people not only hang onto it but they know EXACTLY what you do just by looking at it?

By the way, if anything on these cards is unclear, or kinda hard to read, or smeary or something, NOW would be the appropriate time to tell me. Critiques are appreciated! Now! Because after I get these printed (I'm going to use Vista Print I think) it will be too late to give constructive criticism.
Another reason for getting my business card ready to go is that I'm going to be exhibiting at the Alternative Press Expo in November. This is a momentous, fun, and incredibly stressful situation for me. Before Halloween, I've got to make it look like I've got my act together, do a bunch of cool new artwork, and still manage to somehow do my "day job" (aka the job I actually got paid money to do although I mostly do it night). I'm going to need a lot of luck and very, very little sleep to accomplish these things.
In other small news, although I haven't sold a lot of stuff on my etsy store,
a couple of my items have been featured on the front page, which is kind of a big deal! It means that hundreds of people saw my stuff and clicked on it, too! It was a nice little ego-booster for me, personally.
Hi Brigette, these buisness cards are very lovely, and very readable too. :) I had the same problem recently, with the colours... I just saved as my photoshop verion to a GIF. And it worked like that.
I gotta tell ya, Brigette, your stuff is crazy good and I can't get enough.
hey brigette, that's a super wicked design, but i think it would be even better if your contact info was hand-lettered like your name. that font's not cool enough to hang with your drawings.
emmanuelle: You saved me! The images are GIFs now and they're working just fine. Thanks so much!
I'd concur w/ the Dart man. Great design though, the bird in galloshes cracks me up.
I had a hard time with the fonts! I tried to write it out, but I kept making everything too small and squiggly and the last thing I want to do is lose clarity for the sake of charm... Also, keep in mind that the card is going to be even SMALLER than it is here. Very small.
If anyone has font suggestions, I'm listening.
I agree about the fonts - the handwritten stuff has a lot more charm. Maybe check out for some free fonts? I think there's a handwritten section (this font comes to mind as being appropriate).
I would probably slightly change the color of the bird. Look how much the cat pops out from the card on the backside - I didn't see the bird at first glance (especially compared to that cat).
It's a great card though - honestly.
How does one pronounce your last name, anyways?
Adorable card! I'll definitely try to visit you at APE this year!
that's so cute gette. I want one. I don't know if I'm going yet. I'm waiting to see if the tickets will go down. If I do go I'll probably ask Carlo to stay with him.
I love, love, love it. Awesome designs, super cool color choices, beautiful as always.
And to answer your question, I have fallen in love with SF, as any sane young gay man would. And i am trying my bestest to make a living for myself up here.
I would like to meet up with you when you get in to town, that is if your not to busy.
Alan - It's "bear-uh-grrrrr". Not Barra-jrrr, or Berringer, or Buh-rah-gr. It's hard, because it looks like it could be pronounced a few different ways, and but amazingly no one ever gets it right the first time.
I have gotten compliments for alliteration though.
I think the cards are fabulous and really represent your style. I just found your work on Etsy and love it!
I just love the bird in the boots!
The cards are toooo cute! :O)
I hope Etsy picks up for you. I've been visiting that place for a while. I would love to try it. Let me know if it works out! I would love to sell stuff there.
I love these! Wonderful idea for business cards. Love your style, too. :)
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