Monday, October 06, 2008

The Glamorous Librarian

Here is an image that seems so obvious for me to have conjured up that I'm surprised I haven't before. There is only one problem: I can't settle on what colors I'm going to paint her up in. I was really smitten with the blue-grey and pink scheme, because a librarian with pink hair was just so charming and cool, but Sean said he liked the green and red better because it just works better for the subject matter, and I think he may be right.

So folks, it comes down to a VOTE!

Make it blue n pink...


Make it green n red...



Amanda said...

I love them both... but i think the green one is more "now" and "fall" :) so it gets my vote (for now)

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

They're both so nice! A flip of the coin may reveal your true preference. I'm leaning blue, to go with her calm, cool-headed profession.

A mid-value brown bg color might also look swell with the reds...

Anonymous said...

blue and pink! More whimsy to it.

Randeep Katari said...

Blue and pink is very pretty and fanciful, but the green one makes her pop. I would say green!

Love the blog and thanks for the intro to SLGTM!

brigette b said...

randeep: I'm so glad you liked SLGTM! It's one of my most favorite bands ever. I'd recommend "All Your Summer Songs", if you're itchin' for a new record to listen to.

pumml: I actually did several other color combos, and even one with a brown bg! These two came out on top though. These colors just caught the feeling I was going for best. Thanks for the suggestion though!

green: 2

blue: 2

esque said...

I vote for blue and pink. I don't usually pick pink things, but in this case, I like it!

Angelia said...

I think I like the green background best, this piece reminds me of a favorite children's book, "The Librarian" by Sarah Stewart.

Megan Baehr said...

Blue and pink! I love the softness of those colors.

Bobby Pontillas said...


moxylyn said...

I like them both, but if I have to choose I'll say the green.

Cookedart said...


yasemin said...

she looks like she's from the 60's and reminds of a retro life style, and the top colours for retro is you know orange red green I vote for green:)

Mad Max Winston said...

hmm they're both purty, but the green n red is more interesting to look at. Intriguing, mysterious librarian babe. ha

flaviano said...

your work is really elegant!

Beauty by Elke said...

I think the pink one looks sweeter.

jessicajane said...

i love them both!!!! but i would have to say, if you made me choose to put one on my wall, itd be the green one. Im more of a green girl..maybe because I have red hair and green looks good on me? haha!

brigette b said...

blue: 8

green: 7

It's pretty close. It was really leaning towards blue for a while but green is fighting back!

Ivan Aguirre said...

I like the green and red one. They are both really great, I love the blue and pink too, but the red and green seems different,and stands out. the blue, and pink one is similar to some of your other stuff that youve done. The green one will stand out from your other work since you havent really done alot with green. But they are both really cool, you should do two paintings. Keep up the good work, you ve been really posting alot of good stuff lately.


jonathan said...

I second everything that guy said. beautiful work! Go Green!

Cindey said...

both are so great!
the blue and pink is cute and makes me think about cupcakes, but the green one feels more book-ish, like it relates all the way back to the forrest trees that the books (and owl) come from. I guess I would pick green, but i like them both a lot. :)

Catalina Alvarez said...

The blue one is my favorite!
Love your style.