Hip girl rocking the shorts/tights/Tom's shoes combo. Her hair reminded me of when my hair was really short, and her big Ray Bans reminded me of how I almost spent a grip of cash on awesome limited edition Ray Bans like six months ago.

Doodles...I still have a really hard time drawing roses. Whenever I feel discouraged I like to write "note to self: I am a genius" on a post it note and stick it to my desk. Strangely, it forces you to be both confident and not take yourself very seriously at the same time.

This guy was lurping around the GOOD local world's fair...

Sketches of cats with many legs and booties and knitted hats. Mom has a cat that had to have his leg amputated a few months back and I guess I was thinking about cats with odd numbers of appendages...he's fine, by the way. I don't think he even misses his leg.

...the BIRDS!

A girl I saw last Saturday with amazing hair (the amazing part doesn't really come across well in the sketch), some unfortunate looking girls, and Brigitte Bardot (I copied you Jo! Sorry.)

And now here's some pics of the Unique LA show!
Setting up on Friday...
I made that "brigette b" sign, and those wood panel dealies with the paintings hanging off them. I wanted to make a really elaborate table cloth by sewing together like a hundred doilies but I ran out of time.
...waiting oh so patiently.
It really was a good weekend. I sold lots of prints and buttons, and some framed stuff too. I met some super duper nice folks too, and some blog readers, and even some people who recognized my work from etsy! I discovered lots of cool people/art/stuff too, but I'm saving them for another post. This one's long enough already.
Oh yeah, and I'm having a little special in my shop right now: buy something and I'll throw in a 4x6" 'baby' print to go with it, your choice. It's a little X-mas bonus for you!
i like your drawings of cats very much.
I loved meeting you at the show and absolutely loved seeing your beautiful work in person. I wish I had made it back over to your shop, I realized as it was ending I had not walked around and shopped hardly at all. Your felt flower looks lovely, too. :)
i so want one of your originals or prints one day... is that the lady from the movie where she got attacked by crows? my aunt was her for halloween
I think you should always post your doodles!They are so nice:)
I love the first drawing! Really specific and super appealing.
wow nice display!
Brigette copied my Brigitte!?? hhaha.. i don't mind at all, I would love to see you have a go at her!
i also like that little drawing you did of the crows on the jungle-gym. so simple/cute.
haha! I loved that cat with many legs and booties. you should make a painting of him!
nice cats
i like your setup!!!! so cute!! I love the big letters.
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