They're kind of quick and sloppy but I did them in a rush right before Unique LA. They were in little frame ornaments hung from my pink tree. I don't know what it is about black cats, but people who have them just love them to pieces and are attracted to anything that has a black cat on it, so these sold most quick. I like all kinds of kitties, personally, but I'm probably most drawn to giant filthy three legged ginger tabbies if anything (my mom has a cat that fits that description to a tee: Zeus).
I usually make a resolution every year on New Year's and then totally forget what it was a week later. This year those resolutions will be archived right here, so I can't forget them! My 2009 life improvement plans are as follows (in no particular order):
-Get a dog! I work at home and it kinda sucks being alone all day while Sean is working. It would be ever so nice to have a little pooch around, although I think that might not happen until we move out of the apartment we're in now (no dogs, no cats). I'm quite partial to small dogs, cause you can take them everywhere with you. And while I love cats, I just can't picture having a cat without having a whole house and yard for that cat to rule, where as dogs don't really care where they are just as long as they're with you. I like daschunds and frizzy little terriers that look like they have sideburns.
-Be kind to myself...basically, treat myself the way I'd want to be treated by me if I wasn't me. Fancy words for "take better care of yourself" I guess. Not that I'm bad at it, I just think I could be better at it.
-Draw every day. I haven't drawn in a few, and it was a nice break, but I really just need to get into the habit of getting something down in my sketchbook everyday. It's really helpful when I do: it keeps ideas flowing and of course I discover things that I wasn't even looking for when I just doodle...also, it's fun! Drawing is way fun. It's one of the funnest things ever. It's easy to forget when you do it for a living, but it really is my preferred pass time.
-Join wardrobe remix on flickr. Why? Because it's FUN! I don't know how you, dear reader, may feel about clothes/fashion/getting dressed, but I think it's just plain interesting to look at what a whole bunch of other clothes obsessed people are wearing and then add your own concoction to the mix. Plus clothes have everything to do with your design, in a character design sense of the word. What you wear really affects your shapes and proportions, besides revealing a good deal about your personality. See? I just made clothes seem like art. My only reservation about it is having to take a picture of myself nearly every day, which seems like a lot of effort, even though I know it's totally not. But I'll do it! I will!
-Get married. Oh, what? Didn't you know? I'm going to be Brigette Jimenez come next fall. We have got soooooo much wedding planning to do, I can't even begin to think about it. BUT it will happen, and it will be great fun.
-Write. Not "write more" or "write my memoire" but just plain write. I really love writing, and reading, and I even went to CSSSA for two years for writing, and I think about writing all the time, but I barely ever put pen to paper. I write this blog, sure, but that doesn't count!
Also, in the shop now: little frame ornaments, new buttons, rainy day print, and bearded lady print. Go get 'em!
that first cat is especially endearing.
lovely kitties! check out my blog- can't go wrong with sweet cats, especially black ones!
Great blog. And congrats on your engagement and wedding planning! :)
Congratulations on the engagement! I had no idea! Now I'm feeling as if my own resolutions need to be taken up a notch =)
oh my! now you can say the word fiance lot's!
jonathan: OR I can say "FIE-unce" like Ed in Raising Arizona, which I prefer since, you know, it's so much classier.
If I could ask you, I was looking at your etsy page because your librarian bookended print was featured on the front page. Sadly, it was sold out. I was wondering if there is any chance you will be relisting the print at any time, as I am a librarian, and totally loved it! :)
Gryph: Totally re-listed and ready to go. Thanks for stopping by the old blog!
Thanks so much! I placed my order! I love your stuff! :)
My friend Emily linked you and I just wanted to say hello to a fellow Brigitte (even if we spell it differently)! Also I love these kitties!! Congrats on your engagement too :3
loving the cats. Happy New year and congrats on your engagement thats huge. -Ivan
Lovely cats!!
Nice work as usual Brigette
Kitties~ I love them! Congratulations on your engagement too!
i just wanted to say that i am absolutely, head-over-heels in LOVE with the style of your artwork! it reminds me of a mix between the animated opening song of the original Parent Trap movie/the animation from Disney's Sword in the Stone & Sleeping Beauty/and this super awesome game of Old Maid I used to play with my aunt. your art definitely stirs up some kind of nostalgia in me and i wanted to tell you that i think it's brilliant and that i hope to purchase some of your work soon!!!
Nice cats!
They look like mine! ^__^
Oh my little girls all grown up and getting married!!!
congratulations Brigette,
and good luck with keeping up with your resolutions.
You have some great one's, I think i'll adopt a couple of them for myself.
Precious Cats!
I own A giant filthy three legged ginger tabby (her names Shmoo Shmoo) and they are the best type of cats. Love the Your cats especially the second one they are so cool!!
Oh and congratulations on your engagement. =)
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