Well, working on the previously mentioned illustration project. If you're curious about that, you should click right here.
At this very moment, however, I'm awaiting feedback from the publisher, so I spent today (which was rainy and cold) painting this little fox and listening to music and drinking tea. I posted sketches of a trio of foxes waaaaaaay back in December. They were overdue for some attention! I'm not crazy about the way that it came out, but I kinda view those little paintings as more "painting practice" than "work of art".
Other things I've been doing lately that have distracted me from blogging duties!:
-making a moss garden
-going to Disneyland and having impromptu super fun hang out time with friends there!
-getting long forgotten sewing projects out of the way (busted off buttons, torn hemlines)
-watching LOTS of Twin Peaks and Boris Karloff movies (compliments of Mr. Brigette)
-cleaning out closets, which is probably one of the best things to have done, cuz getting all that junk out of my life has improved the feeling of my apartment exponentially!
-listening to the cool and creepy and trippy Paranormal Podcast
-re-reading Weetzie Bat
-planning my show in May
-doing pilates in my pajamas
-sketching the rest of the circus folks...they're comin'!
So yeah...sorry for the extreme blog update delay, but I've been keeping myself seriously preoccupied. I'm sure to have another update later this week, so stay tuned!
cute fox! love your blog and shop! definatly favoriting you! ♥
Great blog and really cute fox!
I'm the opposite - blogging is distracting me from getting anything done.
Cuuuuute! hahaha, I read Weetzie Bat back in the day
Woah, congrats on the book. That's big.
awesome design!!!! I love it!!!!
Oh Iwant to go to Disneyland!!
I love it there.
This is beautiful Brigette! Can't wait for the circus folk!
Love the fox Brigette, wonderful shapes (positive & negative)
I also love Twin Peaks it empties my head not to mention that haunting song by Julee Cruise.
Cute fox!
Aw ! No ! The fox isn't gonna be in your shop ?
But ... I LUV it !!! Luv the fact that it's more pinkish than red and that he looks so feminine with it's little paw in the air ...
All the best from Paris,
x x x
a moss garden sounds absolutely delightful
Yes!!! Waiting patiently, in Indiana, for the remainder of the circus folk.
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