The lady on the right had a whole lot of look happening: a big woolly oversize sweater, a ripply tunic or dress (it's hard to tell which sometimes but this was supposed to be a dress since she wasn't wearing anything under it), giant chunky rock necklace, crazy gladiator sandals, and the ultimate accessory: a small dog. The dog was cute but ultra tiny! It looked fragile and fluffy. Her friend was tiny and had worlds largest handbag.

This girl is a cupcake. She was really working that romper. Except for the back, where the edge of her butt cheek kept peaking out...but I did you the courtesy of only drawing her from the front.

This was a tall, skinny, lanky couple. They looked like they just rolled out of bed to have a tall, skinny, lanky brunch together.

Also, I added a whoooooollle bunch of new prints to the shop this week. All stuff from my show last month. Lots of the originals are still available too, but I'm still considering whether to put them up in the store or not. I haven't had much luck selling OG's on etsy.
This will probably be my only post this week, since I've spent most of it laying around watching Grey Gardens and eating cough drops like candy.
Sorry to hear you were under the weather.
These are cool & CUTE!
I like the lanky couple it reminds me of Vancouver couples (Mt Pleasant area).
Congrats on being a part of the Tokyo Rose book!
~ peace
I love your style!
Awesome! You capture style really well, Brigette. I usually just scribble the clothes in.
These are nice drawings of some pretty nice looking people. I wish more people were cool and nice that around these ways. Not as much fun drawing old ladies and forestry workers.
Wow! this are awesome Brigette, love the cute couple.
I am LOVING these drawings- a ton of personality captured very succinctly!
The last one is the coolest. Keep it coming my immune deficient friend!
These are really Awesome, and the inkwork is Fantastic!! Great job!
haha these are great. These people look like they'd fit in at my school. I go to art college so of course they would. :P
All characters are kind of fashionable self-taught people!
Funny dog. You must not only be aware not to step on its shit but in itself altogether.
These are just SO cool !
Hu!Hu! really cool!
hey gette. the last drawing you did reminds me of erik and kelly.
btw, like the brush pen drawings!
And drink your fetus kombutcha. I'm sure that's what they are for, make you not sick!
great designs, Brigette! reminds me of Al Hirschfeld's simplicity and charm. So appealing!!!
THese are fantastic Brigette! I just saw the Yuki book too. Your piece is georgous!
Wow, great work here! I love your line work, I'll be stopping by reagularly :)
Oooh I like the fluffy puppy :D they do wear interesting stuff at the alcove, it sure is entertaining.
"No animals were harmed in the making of this movie." Sorry--that's what I thought of when you said you were lying around watching Grey Gardens. Love the drawings. I found you through Etsy after typing "sideshow" in the search box. The bearded lady was awesome.
These are just darling, how fun that must have been :)
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