I just got a brush pen! I've never really messed around with one before, and I don't really understand how to use it. I understand that it makes whatever you draw look about 300x cooler instantly, but they are very sensitive instruments and I'm used to hammering away on paper with an unsharpened Ebony pencil, so it will take some getting used to. These are just some experiments from last week...

I saw this girl at Trader Joe's last week, when it was all weird/rainy/cold outside. It literally looked like she had just wrapped a tea towel around her shoulders and pulled on the most ridiculous, bright leg warmers she could find. I thought to myself, "Really?? Are pants really that hard to come by these days??" And flip flops, in the rain? What?

But that is why I love Trader Joe's in Silverlake. So much style, so many varieties of tortilla chips!
Holy crap! You've never used a brush pen before? Those look amazing! I've tried drawing with a brush pen a whole bunch of times, and my stuff never looks that clean or pretty.
That rainy day legwarmer girl is hilarious and cute! She looks so loopy and happy even though she is out in the rain wearing a bizarre getup.
Super nice! Man, my first brushpen drawings were the epitome of heinousness. I still think brush and ink is a lot easier to control, but you look like you've got the hang of it. :)
Fantastic! I love the top one, it's so stylized!
Love that crazy fashion girlie at Trader J's.
I've never used a brush pen before either...you mind me asking? what brand are you using? how do you like it?
Aw shucks, thanks for the kudos gals.
Katie: That's one of the things I liked about Trader Joe's girl, the way she seemed totally okey-dokey with being so silly looking. Happy about it even.
Kelley: It's a Japanese one...a Pentel. It's the kind my friend Erik used to use all the time so it seemed familiar and friendly to me. I don't really know anything about them, to be honest.
Great stuff! I really like the bottom one.
LOL. I love this, but your commentary is what makes this priceless. :)
I've been to that Trader Joe's in Silverlake! And everyone in it was a crazy hipster like this girl. Hilarious.
Beautiful girl!
The rest of characters are as well very realistic.
Hooray for brush pens!!
we've been over this. trader joe's is a sideshow.
Brush pens are something close to a nightmare to use. They kinda force you to use broad, simple, sweeping lines--all Hirshfeld status. Hard, but impressive if one can pull it off.
I love legwarmer girl! She's hilarious...and I thought people dressed random in Boston.
I'm making a pact with myself to draw the next weird person I see.
I love your work by the way...just found your blog through blog surfing :)
Leg warmer lady : ) thanks for sharing.
Masterful! Each work full of character!
I love the first one!
Oh my goodness I love your work. I linked over from Shane Prigmore's blog. Love the swimsuit girl in your brush pen set. Your style is lovely, and just the right amount of old-fashioned! :D Also, on your portfolio, I ADORE your painting of the girl in the trees with a peacoat. So pretty.
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