Tuesday, February 23, 2010

just messing around

Here are some drawings to keep my blog alive! Some girls with cats. These are related to nothing, except for the last lady, who is a rejected design for a project I'm working on. Sorry lady, you didn't get the job.


Jushtin E. Lee said...

that first one is super duper kewl.

Daron Leah Nefcy said...

Yay cats! The 2nd one looks like Jake!

Lucas Ferreyra said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, very nice designs!

Desiree said...

Very nice!!! I adore the middle one!

Jon Klassen said...

oh i like that first drawing especially much.

Unknown said...

I love the head on that first one! Great to see an update here, even if there is a wait it's always worth it

LadyfoOxy said...

very beautiful =)

Antonin Herveet said...

those are great !

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog and your drawings!!!

Unknown said...

Interesting - I love the style - very retro.

dimitri frazao said...

Wow! The little girl is possum!

olgastern said...

love the top drawing brigette!

especially the cat.

shane tjia said...


Ariella said...

I really like the second picture! It reminds me of myself and my cat.

C.Deboda said...

Very nice blog. :)

maddy said...

Those are great especially the last one magnificent

jonathan said...

I love the way you draw. you always know where to take the line in an interesting and appealing way.

Eric Scales said...

Beautiful sketches. Can I ask, your pencil style matches your paintings so well, was that hard to develop? While I tend to paint very graphically, it's hard for me to draw that way. Just curious how you do it.

Anonymous said...

Great drawing i really love it

Neysa Bové said...

these are great! I<3 your kitties!!!

Goro Fujita said...

Love your drawing style!
very unique

Anonymous said...

I love that middle one!
You have such a cute artistic style.

J. said...

OMG, those cat and girl drawings are FABULOUS, and I'm not just saying that because I happen to have a little girl and a black cat. (Btw, stumbled onto your blog via the "Next Blog" feature in Blogger. You are a great artist! Keep at it!)

Owen Flanagan said...

Beatiful drawings Brigette, The top one is superb.

my little secret for you said...

I really love the cats..

maxcon said...

your drawing skills are great!!!

speedcat said...


Gabriel said...

Me encanta! Soy nuevo, jejje

michaelamos said...

great drawings - love the girl with the cat on her head!

Malgorzata Arska said...

your sketches are so great :)!