Hello to you out there in the blog-o-sphere! I know I've been neglecting my blog, and that's not fair. My little bloggy blog has
done a lot for me, and yet I ignore it. No more!! I'm going to start posting more regularly now, I promise. I've even got a few ideas for regular/weekly/feature type blog updates so that even if I have nothing of my own to show you I can at least post something. Keeping it fresh is important, dontcha know.
In the mean time, just to prove that I have not just been sitting around my apartment eating bon bons and painting my nails (although I do so in moderation when the mood strikes), I'd like to present one of the projects that has kept me away from bloggin' as I should: my Dress Shoppe stationary set! I know I mentioned it before, but I got the thumbs up to do a more in-depth post on it, so here goes...

I wanted all the gals to look different but like they are from the same universe, too. This first lady in the suit might be my favorite. She's like the ultimate chic housewife of the decade. I imagine that she wears this outfit to the supermarket to buy 50lbs of meat to store in her giant freezer in her turquoise and pink kitchen. "Off to buy some haaaaam!"

This gal might look familiar because she is a re-incarnation of my Librarian Paper Doll. She was the inspiration for this set. (I still really want to do a straight up paper doll book or magnetic paper doll, by the by.)

I made the set for Chronicle Books and I have to say, they really do a bang-up job on the graphic design end. The style of the set is super girly and very 50's, and I had the pleasure of working with folks who totally understood what I was going for and had a lot to add to it. Look at the little photo shoot they did for the back of the the box:

So perfect!!
It comes with stickers so you can stick accessories on the gals, like little glasses and purses and flower brooches and hats. And pink envelopes! Did I mention that they stand up? They do. (PS, please excuse the general crappishness of these photos.)

Anyhoo-a, you can pre-order them on Amazon
OR on the Chronicle Books website, but you wont be able to play with 'em til March. :)
So So awesome! They're so pretty!
oh my goshhh! these are soooo beautiful! :) :) :)
i JUST found you and i'm so glad i did!! your stuff is amazing. i've had the librarian lady paper doll in my "favorites" on etsy for forever!! i was bummed when i saw that you were closing your etsy, but so siked when i saw your dress shoppe stationary. def going in my "cart" on amazon!!
these are adorable!!! love, love, love.
so stunning! I wish I had these growing up!
Awesome stuff. This looks like something my gf would love.
these are so pretty!
I simple adore your style! and If I had the chance, I'd surely get ony of those stationaries
Cheers :)
wow, these character are great!
Yay! I'm always happy when you update! These paper dolls are wonderful!
these are really cute! congrats on making the stationery a reality!
these are amazing brigette! :)
I love all the soft girly colours.
Wow, these are great!
My girlfriend would adore these =]
Not only do I want to play with those, I want to be them. Not in a creepy disconnected from reality way
Awesome stuff, Brigette! I'll have to pick one up when the Chronicle folks come by Pixar.
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