Monday, January 09, 2012

lock, shock + barrel

This is my Nightmare Before Christmas themed piece for a tribute show at Arludik Gallery month.  The gallery is in Paris, France.  That's right, I'm all international and stuff!  (And no I'm not going...I WISH I could just jet off to Paris for a gallery opening.)  Here are your favorite trick-or-treaters, Lock, Shock and Barrel, effing around in the moonlight!

When it comes to tribute shows of any kind, I like to do pieces with more peripheral characters.  I have a special love for Nightmare, as I saw it when I was  about eight and thought it was perhaps the BEST THING EVER.  I had friends whose mother's forbade them to see it, because it was 'scary'.  Whaaaat?  What a bunch of weenies.  This movie was also the subject of argument between me and my eight-year-old friends, since they insisted it was claymation, and when I tried to explain stop motion to them they plainly disregarded me and my amateur animation knowledge.  

My other favorite movies when I was eight:  The Dark Crystal, The Princess Bride, Alice in Wonderland, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  All the ones that scared the other children.  

Oh yes, and one more thing:  I've erased my old portfolio blog and replaced it with a new, shiny tumblr portfolio blog.  To see it, you can either click the 'portfolio' button or just CLICK HERE!

And one last thing:  I've started a twitter.  Admittedly, I'm not a very good twitter-er.  I'm kind of lame in that I don't totally 'get' twitter (if indeed there is anything to get).  Maybe I will get better if you start following me.  I'm gonna try harder!  HERE I AM!


  1. Lovely tribute Bridgette. It kinda looks likes theyre riding the back of a camel! Heehee!

  2. Amazing job! love the texture.

  3. Lovely piece! The composition is awesome c:
    I guess I must've been a weirdy child too, I remember getting the video of The Nightmare before Christmas when I was six and being glued to the screen for years!

  4. the dark crystal was my favourite too. i hear ya.

  5. This is wonderful! Love the take on the characters, the colors and composition!

  6. Amazing sense of design that you have.
