Wednesday, June 13, 2012

fab four

When I was in high school the local radio station played "Bedtime Beatles" every weeknight.  It was a pretty fantastic mash up of every and any Beatles song, including music from their solo careers.  I would tune in and when something really good came on I'd tape it (how analogue of me) right off the radio.  I kept those tapes for a long long time.  

When I was researching (e.i.: googling Beatles pictures) for this piece I came across a LOT of blogs curated by teenage girls who are STILL totally, head over heals, in love with the Beatles.  It warmed my little black heart.   I would have been all over tumblr if it had existed when I was a teen, tumblin' photos with captions "omg i love him" and "my heart just stopped" and "why wasn't I born 40 years earlier".  

Aesthetically, the early Beatles are my favorite.  Their matching suits!  Soooooooo cooooooool!  And Beatle boots!  If I was in a band I'd want us all to wear matchy matchy outfits to perform.  


  1. Size?


    FABulous! Well, someone had to say it.

  2. I have been in love with Georgie since I was nine!
    But I might love this piece even more! This is so beautiful- love the dual tone faces, so clever xox

  3. Fantastic! I especially love that you've captured their likenesses with such simple shapes=)

  4. I. LOVE. THIS. Really great 60s vibe with the colors as well. You really knocked it out of the park, Brigette!

  5. Now you have got me singing "Hello Hello" in my head :)

    Lovely work Brigette!

  6. Unknown- It's 20"x15", acrylic on board.

    Everyone else- Thank you guys!!

    Purple Ringo is my favorite too.

  7. awesome!! and also, Love your piece for the book show

  8. This is fantastic! I'd hang it in my dining room for sure!

  9. Hi Brigette!

    I didn't get a chance to talk to you at Nucleus on the opening night, but did recognize your beautiful piece!!
    Really outstanding(as usual), congrats!!!!

    Hope all is well.
