Wednesday, September 05, 2012

princess things

First things first:  You can like me on Facebook now!  

I've been working like crazy but I can't show you any of the new book I illustrated yet.  We'll both just have to wait.  Booooooo.  

In the meantime, here's an unused sample I did a while ago for a publisher.  Sometimes folks ask you to  do a sample for them to see how you'd hypothetically handle a project.  Most of the time it leads to you working on the project, but sometimes it leads to you doing something for free and then never hearing about it again.  

I could draw princess stuff all day and night though, and not get tired of it.  

School starts next week at CalArts.  I don't believe it!!  I'm teaching TWO classes in Character Animation this year:  Professional Preparation (we make portfolios and resumes and talk about jobs!) and Film Workshop (we make student films!).  Wish me luck, I'm gonna be busy busy busyyyy!


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! I love the pretty colors. Good luck with your classes :D

  2. beautiful drawing! I love the texture and art style too, and how you drew the castle, very cartoon modern :)
