Friday, February 01, 2013

in the pomegranate forest

Hello out there in blogger land!  I have a painting for you!

This is for the "I believe in unicorns, too!" show at the WWA Gallery in Culver City.    They specifically told us that we didn't necessarily have to do a unicorn themed painting, but I couldn't get this image out of my brain once it was in there, so out it came!

For this painting I wanted to try breaking away from my usual palette, and I kinda succeeded.  Specifically, I noticed that when I open my website ( there is a LOT of pink.  Pink and purple.  And I'm not surprised, cuz I love pink and purple!  But I AM surprised that I keep going back to pink over and over....and over.  And over.  Pink is my safety color.  So I tried some browns, and greens, and blues!  The pinks still snuck in there (although a kind of electric peach or coral), but I did end up using a color scheme from outside my comfort zone, so I call it a success.

As you can probably tell, I really love pomegranates.  I think their shape is so beautiful!  I didn't originally intend on putting so MANY in this painting, but as I was sketching I added them in and I'm glad I did.  Even though they are intricate suckers to paint.

See you at the gallery opening, maybe?  I love openings at the WWA Gallery, cuz it's right down the street from one of my favorite veggie restaurants, Native Foods!  I go eat a bowl of veggies and drink a gallon of watermelon agua fresca and then show up at the opening bloated from a fresca overdose.  I recommend it!


  1. i can not stop looking at this!
    love pomegranates too.

  2. I love this so much! I loved some of your illustrations but didn't know who the artist was. Now I know :)

  3. OHH I love that she's wearing sneakers! LOVE the colors also! Are you on Instagram? Do you post any artwork on there?

  4. Seriously!? This painting is incredible, loved the colors and the design of the lady!!

  5. i love the pomegranates! and suddenly want whatever watermelon agua fresca is!

  6. I love this! I'm in the show at graduated from CalArts as well, hope to meet you at the reception.
