I promised you coyotes and I deliver you coyotes!
I have a little space in my heart for these guys. I see them around the neighborhood every now and again, but they never look lost or scared like you'd expect from a wild animal. They always seem a little weary of my presence, as if they were saying "oh, it's you again?" And even though I've heard of people being bitten by coyotes or having their dogs attacked by them I still just feel like they are my slightly sulky, not very friendly neighbors.

I'm not sure what prompted my to draw these guys. Why coyotes? Why anything, for that matter?

Some look a little fox-y. It's the cuteness that pushes it over into fox territory. And the slightly larger head.

Hopefully some of these will end up in color, but for right now I've got like a giant stack of freelance to plow through.

I fixed this one up for ya too!

Yay for coyotes!
These make me smile. So awesome.
Nice way to start my Wednesday.
...er Thursday.
These are amazing. So appealing.
Yay indeed for coyotes
Fabulous drawings
Hello Brigette. I'm a big fan of your stuff! I think we share similar tastes. I hope you get around to coloring mister coyote. I love his little belly.
xx -jo
Cool coyotes! I really like the one driving the car. Nice blog, very funny!
Very nice coyotes!!! you have a great blog!! Byes from Europe
great stuff!!! beautiful work on the portfolio blog as well.
Oh Brigette!
Did you know that your drawings make my heart beat a little faster.
Can you keep a secret?
I have a crush on every piece of art you create.
Love the coyotes : )
Your coyotes are so much more charming then the variety that walks down my street --usually with a cat in it's mouth :(
Great drawings! So much personality.
These are so awesome. Don't forget to leave something tasty for them to eat next time!
Boy do I love a good coyote.
wonderful adorable coyotes!
these are great, brigette. keep up the good work. -Ivan
These are the finest coyotes I've ever seen. I love them.
ahaha!! They are so nice! I like the coyote! My fav is the one he is driving the car!!!!
Nice Brigge!!
These are freaking awsome. And i love your new avatar image. It's perfect!
i like the car one. can you color that one please?
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