She was really small, and her shorts were really high waisted. I saw her checking me out through her big dark giant sunglasses. I don't know if it was an approving or disapproving glance.
Everything here at Disney is good. I'm working on a Cintiq which is strange...I'm more used to the tablet and it's weird to always have my hand in the way when I'm drawing something. We've been in training for the past two weeks, lots of classes and getting lost inside the hat building. I really genuinly got disoriented somewhere downstairs yesterday and had that awful, little-kid type "I'm lost" anxiety. But I have been eating lunch on the main lot, just like I hoped I would! The squirrels are real cute.
Anyway, I should be drawing more often now. Just keep checking, there will be better stuff than this meager photoshop thingy soon...
Haha, such high waisted shorts.
Excellent that you're chewing your food at Disney Brigette! I hope they have free fruit there too. If so, you need to give me a call on the banana-phone. If not, then I guess I'll just give you a call on my regular phone instead.
Keep posting on your blog, since I don't get to walk by your office eveyday now and take a peeky-peek at what you're working on. Best of luck!
Nice work! Is it cool if I link you?
even your "Meager Photoshop" stuff is amazing and fun!
The burritos in the commissary are awesome.
I love your work, for some reason, she reminded me of Amy Winehouse in casual outfit and gettin ready for breakfast or something.
Brigette, i'm such a big fan of your work. that girl reminds me of someone here in stumptown too. Btw, Chantal is really cute and funny. We went and got vegan pancakes. I think I'm gonna ask her and dillan/dylan to go biking.
Haha, I love the hair, nice work.
love your characters! really inspiring.
cute...and creepy
Dead on rendition.
My last post didn't make grammatic sense, so I deleted it.
Keep up the brilliance.
hi brigette. it was awesome talking to you and sean a bit at the party last weekend. hope things will continue to be good for you and everyone else. cheers lady.
you have cool artworks hey be my friend thanks!
HA ! I love it!! Awsome observation. Sean has been telling me that you are kicking ass over there too! Keep it up! Raid that archive ! Take care.
great job on this post, really like your blog brigette.
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