It's for the Cereal Killers project (check it out at idigcerealkillers.blogspot.com). For those of you who don't get it, here's you're opportunity to learn something: Margaret Keane was an artist who was responsible for quite a few of those ubiquitious 60's big eye pop art kids, you know, the ones that make you feel instantly guilty just for looking at them. I happen to be a fan of her work, which is limited in its subject matter of large eyed kids/women/animals, but there's something appealing about the weirdness of the images. Maybe it's just that I'm nostalgic for an era that I never existed in...but what's wrong with that? For reference, here are some real Keanes to measure mine against:

There are other artists who painted in this style too, like Eve, Gig and Mayo. I really don't know who started the trend, I just like the Keane stuff best. I like it so much that I sleep with her arguably most famous peice, "The Stray", watching over me every night.

There's an awesome legend about Margaret and her husband, Walter, over who really did the paintings. They were divorced and both claimed that they had done the work. Margaret won in the end...if you wanna know more then Google it or something, I've gushed about the Keanes long enough! Have a Happy Halloween! Watch The Shining! Carve a pumpkin, for goodness sakes!
Coool painting. Although im not going to lie, the highlight of this post was seeing that really, really cool headboard you have for your bed.
Congrats on the disney apprenticeship! Looking forward to seeing what you produce from it.
Noooo! I hate it! Worst post ever Brigette! Gross! Unclean! Stupid marble-eyed kids! Bleeahaahahaargh!
hehe, this freaks me out a little...
HA HAAA! I love it!! I love the blue bits in the cereal. It's tottaly a creepy kind of muted blue. The cat is hillarious! I hope you had a rad halloween!
I think I might've seen your sister on the train, but I'm not sure.
I wasn't brave enough to ask.
its Sean's GIANT BED! I'm going to stop by to just sit on it. Wrinkle up the bed sheet. Tell sean about it!
At least yours doesn't look so possessed, so I guess that's good. Make a non-creppy one eating cereal, that looks like me :D
Ive totally seen that bed before, lol.
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