She's all done! Yay! Now there are four circus folk paintings. I think I may want there to be six, but I'm not sure which freaks I should go for next...suggestions? Maybe I should just watch Freaks?
Now I'm going to go get myself a soy latte from my favorite coffee spot, and paint some Shangri-la's.
This is amazing! Best lady with a mustache EVER.
yay! i've been waiting for her to show her face on this blog! hmm freaks. The Strong boy? the snake charmer? the human fly? the sword swallower? the monster tamer? curious to see what you come up with.
Oh how I love freaks! Great painting:)
Brigette your work is looking phenomenal!
It turned out amazing as always. How the heck do you do it???
freaks rules!!!
Wonderfull work in all your blog, congratulations
Very elegant, Brigette, you're doing a bang-up job on the whole collection so far!
Aren't you pretty much obligated to do a Ring Leader? Eddie Izzard plays a pretty great Ring Leader in Across the Universe.
Or a fire-breather? Sword-eater? Clown? Elephant-on-ball?
great stuff as usual Brigette. I would say you should do a pair of siamese twins. I love the color palettes you have being doing for these paintings. Im sure the collection is gonna look great. Ill buy a print from your shop as oon as get the money to do so.
She's awesome.
I love her!! Can't wait to have her hanging on my wall. Six of them is just wonderful.
I saw your stuff at Unique and your art really stood out among many good vendors. I think you should do the Carnival Barker next! Am I remembering incorrectly, or were there bigger prints available at the booth of acrobats etc? I would like to put those on my wedding gift registry!
I just purchased her on Etsy. Four down, two to go...right?? Have you made any decisions the other two?
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