UPDATE: A winner has been selected. Congratulations Christen Krumm! The give-away is over now, but you can still comment if ya like.
Thanks everyone who entered!

Well, I got a big box of Princess Matching Games in the mail last week. I got more than I can possibly play with alone. So I'm giving one away!!!

Here's all you need to do to enter the give-away:
- Leave a comment. Make it something amusing, for goodness sakes. And don't forget to put your e-mail in there so I can get in touch with you if you win!
- Wait a week. I'll be picking my winner via random number generator on February 28!
SO EASY! The matching game is not technically out yet, so you'll be getting it before ANYONE ELSE. That's really special. There's 72 pieces of matchy-match fun in that box. It also has a magnetic flap closure, which truly elevates it beyond simply a cardboard box full of cardboard bits. Really!

If it goes well, I might do a stationary give-away too. We'll seeeeeeee...
Here's some images from the matching game pieces! These are my favorites. The little black dog is my actual dog, Lila. She really sleeps on a pillow like that. She's such a princess.
The Queen

The King

Royal Dog

That king is a real crowning achievement in your work! I love his huge black boots!
I don't have anything witty to say, but I will say that I love your character designs and the idea that I could bust this out with my college friends whine about me not having any board/drinking games, har har har :). Keep up your amazing work, I am a fan :).
Your work is beautiful and inspiring!
... and now for something amusing, (coff, coff, clearing my "throat").
Today I swapped my wii fit for cake, tah dah!
my little two princess will love it...
Love it!
These are so beautiful! I haven't played a board game in years but this makes me want to play :)! Amazing design! They're so pretty to even play with!
I love that Mary Blair type style.
Your work is amazing, Brigette. I love these as an adult--I can't imagine how excited I would be if I was still a little girl! I would love to be entered into the drawing. :) My email is betsy.bauer.art@gmail.com
love all these drawings, what a beautiful game!! if i don't win, i'm for sure going to buy it when it comes out :)
My Daughter is 4 and loves princesses, so for Christmas we got her this big dress up chest with multiple princess outfits so she could play dress up with her friends. So now every morning when she gets up she opens the cardboard treasure chest and proceeds to put on everything inside, she will come out wearing 4 blouses one on top of the other, with three sets of clip on earrings, 4 skirts on in the same order as the blouses, multiple bracelets, three tiaras one in front of the other and a wand in each hand, also she will put on one or two extra sets of fairy wings that we also have. :) every morning is coffee,. a princess and a face palm :D
I just found your blog. Wow, nice work.
oh please oh please oh please pick me!!! your stuff is amazing.
amusing? i've had 2.5 hours of sleep due to a teething baby girl. i'm trying to stay amused ;)
Please be my fairy godmother!
Such beautiful colors...great job.
LOVE this... Cousin Thomas is having a baby girl this year, and I'll be giving her a set (not right away, though - once she's past the drooly stage).
Brigette! Enter me into this fantastic giveaway! I am a huge fan of everything you do. I will be having an art giveaway on my blog soon also. Thanks for sharing you wonderful artwork!
my email is freckles.animator@gmail.com
me me me! pick me! my daughter would LOVE these; she wants to be a dancing princess when she grows up.
(she's home sick today coughing into her cheerios) fingers crossed over here...
Absolutely adorable! LOVE the colors, shapes and everything else about it :D
my dog sleeps on pillow with her forelegs straight out, so cute
The Brigette Brigade and a Princess Game give-away? It's a match made in heaven! I hope that my number gets randomly drawn. :) leah@underwonder.org
So beautiful! I really love your color choices. It would be awesome to win one of these.
After being sick for two weeks this work inspires me to begin drawing once more. I just love the dog and castle, so very cute!
my email is heathersuesisson@gmail.com even if you dont pick me i would love if you joined my blog and followed! :D
that's so girly. It'll make a nice distraction for my two and half year old son from his pink dressed baby and buggy.
My daughter, who loves princesses and memory games with equal passion, loves the look of Princess Lilac.
I love the art! Wish I had such well illustrated/artsy games when I was little :)))
Your art is absolutely fabulous! I am such a fan. You give me a boost of energy and inspiration when I take a look at your stuff, thanks! Now back to my own bit of art.
great giveaway! My head is spinning, chasing after a 22 month old, and dealing with a newborn. But all in all I think a princess mach game would do me good! :)
If I won this I'd bring it in to the preschool I work at and play with the kids. I know the girls would love it intense-intense-INTENSE amounts. They'd probably try to steal the game. I'd have to watch them oh so carefully!
so lovely! my niece would totally adore these...but who am i kidding, i would totally keep them for myself and play with my hubster over a nice glass of red!
I just can't get over how adorable those are. Thank you so much for giving us the chance to win one. As for something amusing... http://icanhascheezburger.com/2011/02/04/funny-pictures-videos-synchronized-cat-routine/
I must say, you are incredibly inspiring :) I want to grow up to be just like you!!! just kidding, that's something a creepy stalker would say (and i am most certainly NOT that) ;) tee hee\\ wallythegnome@gmail.com
your eternal devotee/niece's friend <3
yes! these are absolutely precious. winning them would require a pretty princess party, no doubt about it.
Gorgeous stuff! I would love to win :D
Gosh, I wish I could design characters like you! And give-aways are always great!
A-DOR-A-BLE!!! My two year old sure could learn some memory skills with your great work...well momma too =P
Yay! Princess stuff that isn't Barbie pink or Disney purple! I am so looking forward to the book and have already ordered the paper doll stationary set. My favorite cards MATCH yours!
AND I love match game cards - my mother and I have made each other sets for decades (we are always cutting out 1x1 inch squares from cardbord and embelishing them to add to our huge collections.) As we get older we need to play the game just to keep our memory muscles in use.
If I were to win this stellar set I would be KEEPING it for myself and playing it with everyone. I've been a fan of your style for a while and especially get a lift from your use of COLOR.
Big kudos to Chronicle Books for coming up with the awesomeness of making the stationary and match card games a part of all the book goodness.
I am hoping there is another book with them in the offing!
King's Cape is red, bluebells are blue, i want the game and i love you.
amusing? this was with out a doubt the hardest poem i have ever written.
I love all of the work you've done on these and the stationary... such fantastic detail. This is definitely the prettiest kid's game I've ever seen.
These are so beautiful!
I want it! I want it! I want it! I want it!! pleeease!! :DD
ahhh! i love your style! it reminds me of so many favorite books from my childhood. what a charming game too!
I love matching games & yours is so super cute. Congrats :)
Please don't feel too creeped out that I want to secretly find a way to infiltrate your brain and extract your talent lobe, or whatever, take it back to my secret lair, put it into a pipe somehow and smoke it. Secretly.
hello at tinajett dot com
looking at your featured pieces made me think way back to when i was a little girl and pretended i was princess lolly or queen frostine from candyland. i will have to keep this game in mind for my nieces--i think they'd love it :)
Love it!
I just saw your matching game at Pottery Barn Kids! I'm so happy that yuppie moms will see it and buy millions of them! Congrats on your great success! I am itching to get the book!
the king is so funny! Well done! I also see your thumbnail sketches for the boo they are really helpful for whom (like me) has been hired to draw a book for the first time. Thank you! :)
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