Monday, May 30, 2011

bring your record player

Another painting for the Norman Rockwell show in July!  It is the horizontal sister to the other painting of teenagers.  I took these pictures really quickly and sloppily immediately after I finished it, and then I packed it up and sent it on its way.  

This is my favorite part.  

A portable record player is a good thing to have.  I've got one.  It's not pink though, unfortunately.  

A big gross mess!  I used that brown paper (actually cut up Trader Joe's bags) to wrap up the two paintings.  Recycle and stuff!

I kind of went with a different process for this painting than I did for the other.  I didn't really make an initial sketch, instead I did some little studies and then drew the sketch directly onto the primed board.  Then I scanned it (in pieces...I hate doing that) and did a digital color key.  I always like the way the sloppy color pass looks better than the finished painting.  It has more something.  I'm not sure what.  

I'm not quite as pleased with this one as I was with the other one, but c'est la vie.  I was also in a tremendous hurry to get this one done, and I'm sure that had something to do with it.  Working under pressure is tricky.  Sometimes it forces you to be more awesome in a smaller amount of time, and at the end you are so happy and you feel like you WON!  But other times you can't escape that gross feeling that you really just don't have enough time and what you're trying to do isn't going to happen, and you go into lazy auto-pilot mode.  

In any case, it's time for me to drink an iced coffee, so til next time!


  1. Awesome! Hey! That girl has my new haircut/color I haven't gotten yet!

  2. Lovely. Nice character designs and colors. Very cute.

  3. This is wonderful, It has a really nice loose quality and I'm lovin that record player!

  4. Love it when you post your process work.

  5. Awesome drawing! Loving these teenager illustrations! I kinda love this pic better, so cheers!

  6. Great illustration! I really like the colors

  7. excellent, thanks for sharing the process!

  8. Have you seen today's post featuring your 12 Dancing Princesses on The Crafty Crow ( ???

  9. Oh this is Sooo sweet! I love it...well done!
