Thursday, May 19, 2011

this painting has no name

The finished painting!  I realized as I was writing this post that I haven't yet named it.  I've been trying to stay looser in my paintings, and let go of that holding-your-breath-trying-to-make-it-just-so feeling.  It's bunches more fun if you are not freaked out every time you pick your brush up.

Sorry about the quality of these images.  I don't have a real camera (these are iphone pics) and the painting is too big for my scanner.  Yes I know I could scan it in pieces and all that jazz, but who has time for that?! (I do I type this I ought to be working on something else, but I get excited when I finish something!)

I know you guys like seeing the painting surrounded by the chaos of my table top...

That thing in the upper left corner is my color work book.  I had to paint what felt like a billion swatches of different color combinations, plus shades and tints for each combo, for a painting class I took at city college.  The class itself was pretty useless, but I've kept and used that color work book ever since.  It's a super helpful thing to have, if you  have the patience to make one.  


  1. This turned out lovely! :) I loved seeing your process work as well!

  2. Love this...As always!

  3. Its very cute gette, and I like to see your work desk more.
    How about a gay couple huh?

  4. it's so cool, seeing it go from rough sketch to final work of art! i wish i could draw as good as you. :)

  5. I love this! It's adorable! When are you gonna start selling prints again???
